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10.  Adverbs

Previous:   Adjectives

10.1   Definition
10.2   Forms of Adverbs
   10.2.1   Many adverbs end in -ly. We form such adverbs by adding -ly to the adjectives
   10.2.2   Some adverbs have no particular form
10.3   Position of Adverbs
   10.3.1   Front (before the subject)
   10.3.2   Middle (between the subject and the main verb)
   10.3.3   End (after the verb or object)
10.4   Kinds of Adverbs
   10.4.1   Adverbs of Frequency (How often?)
   10.4.2   Adverbs of Time (When?)
   10.4.3   Adverbs of Place (Where?)
   10.4.4   Adverbs of Manner (How?)

   10.4.5   Adverbs of Purpose (Why?)

10.5   Adverbial phrase

10.6   Comparative Adverbs and Superlative Adverbs
   10.6.1   Comparative Adverbs   What is a comparative adverb?   Forming comparative adverbs

      One syllable + -er
      More / less + -ly adverb

      Irregular comparative adverbs

      Comparative adverbs with two forms

   10.6.2   Superlative Adverbs    What is a superlative adverb?   Forming Superlative Adverbs

      One syllable + -est

      Most / least + -ly adverbs

      Irregular superlative adverbs

      Superlative adverbs with two forms
10.7   Common confusions among adverbs, adjectives and some expressions (see also 9.6)
   10.7.1   Bad or Badly?
   10.7.2   Good or Well?
   10.7.3   Double-negatives
   10.7.4   Sure or Surely?
   10.7.5   Real or Really?
   10.7.6   Near or Nearly?

   10.7.7   Maybe or May be? (see also 4.4.1)
10.8  List of Adverbs

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