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林鄭至此,最得體的選擇,是問責下台。 此舉既體現文明政府負責任的處事方式,又遵守了她競選特首時的承諾,並一舉消淡了目前的民憤民怨......歷史回望,未必不得一能吏之名。 她老公應該勸勸她。

An Email to Daughters_2019.5.26

Helen and Lily, When I wrote the email to you about the Raptors going to the NBA Final, I used the singular noun “Final.” I’ve heard a...

Greetings in English

When you meet someone, whether it’s a friend, or someone you run into for the first time, you can greet him with a short salutation...

What is Grammar?

Grammar is the structure and system of a language, generally considered to include syntax and morphology...

Professor K

He’s from Harvard and wears a tie, that young old man Walks a little stooped around the campus With often a solemn practice A poet, who...

97 故事


W 教授

問題在其人年方三十 早餐吃疍兩枚。煙斗。武俠小說 照例在洗手間對鏡微笑兩三分鐘 然後吻別太太 開會,散步,總是有很多問題---- 請翻開詩經第二百六十九 一切符合標準不誤 那時候為一個梨子打架小弟弟 十六歲失戀 再往回算就是午睡里的小愁 光腳,飛螢,簫,及其他…...

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