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Previous:   used to    2 expressions that look similar to used to but are distinct from it   be used to

Be used to is an expression to talk about something that is familiar to us so that it no longer seems surprising, difficult, strange, etc.


In the expression, be is the main verbused is a past participle used as an adjectiveto at the end of the expression is a preposition. Similar to other fixed expressions or phrases with a prepositional to at the end, what follows must either be a gerund, a noun or a noun phrase.

We can use be used to in any tense. We just conjugate the verb be in the tense that we need. For example:

  •  Peter does the dishes every day, so he's used to it.

  •  He is not used to living in Hong Kong. He finds it too noisy. 

  •  When he lived in Canada, he was used to central heating in the winter months.

  •  He has been used to driving to go around places, but he doesn't have a car in Hong Kong.

  •  He will soon be used to living alone here.

  •  Are you used to living by yourself?

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