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Previous:   3 Semi-modal Verbs   need

Need can be used as either a helping verb or a main verb.     When need is used as a helping verb, it is used in negative sentences or in questions, 
                      expressing that something is not necessary or not always true. Its form, and the main
 that follows it, does not change with person,
 nor with singular or plural subjects.                       For example:

  •  Going to the dentist need not necessarily be a painful experience.

  •  Need I say more? 

  •  Jim need never find out what I said.    When need is used as a main verb, it is followed either by an object, or the second                             verb that follows it is changed to to infinitive. For example: 

  •  He needs a dry shirt. He is soak wet.  (Need as a main verb, followed by an object.)

  •  All he needs to do is to play well fundamentally to help the Knicks succeed.  (Need as a main verb followed 
    by an infinitive.) 

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