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2.2    Classification of Verbs

Verbs can be classified in many different ways. Here we first distinguish verbs into helping verbs and main verbs.


Then in the category of the main verbs, we will further group them into dynamic verbs and stative verbs according to their functions; then into transitive verbs and intransitive verbs,  depending on whether there should be an object after the verb or not; and finally, into regular  verbs and irregular verbs, based on the structure of the verbs in simple past tense and past participle tense.


Grammarians further introduce a category called the linking verbs, which are verbs that do not add much meaning but link a subject to a subject complement that identifies or describes the subject. Since linking verbs are always stative, so we have inserted the linking verbs after the stative verbs here.

Next:   16 Helping Verbs 

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